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'Please don't go..', 2013.

Film Stills of ice and petal sculpture.




'I want to fix you', 2013.

Film Stills of ice and petal sculpture, reversed.




I used the experience of my mother's diagnosis of skin cancer to explore the visual deconstruction and construction of ice to capture both the harsh truth of watching someone you love live with an illness, but also the necessary hope that they'll be able to overcome it. These two films were played simultaniously, one above the other, within my installation 'Slice'. 


'Passing On' detail, 2013.

This bleeding heart is made from pressed rose petals. This piece aims to demonstrate a positive outlook on death from a secular view point. This heart's blood dripped upon many white paper flowers laid upon real growing grass. As the heart lost blood and became thin and lifeless, the flowers bloomed with red life. 

'Bottle Bank', 2013.

Bottle bank is a 'diamond' created from smashed beer bottles. The sculpture aims to highlight the hypocrisy of society's imposed values. What do we think something is worth and why? How can we take something  ordinary and realise it has beauty.

'Melt Away' 2013.

Stills from film turned into GIF

Once again I used the experience of my mother's diagnosis of skin cancer to explore the visual deconstruction of a heat reactive material to capture sun damage on flesh.


'Skin Cancer' Legs, 2013.

As my mother's skin cancer began in her legs I wanted to create a visual representation of sun damage through  the visual deconstruction of a natural material i.e. pressed leaves. These were recreated and became the top of a wooden mounted trophy used within my installation 'Slice'.

Moss Tree Decaying, 2013.


Shoe Tree, 2012.

I assisted with a third year student who required a tree being built for their final degree show, which explored dementia. Myself and a fellow student created this tree sculpture for her out of tree branches.

H paper sculpture, 2012.


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